Midterm Reflection



  1. Demonstrates growth minder beliefs via attitude and behaviors:

Coming into college I didn’t know what to expect.  Every teacher that had ever taught me all had the same style of teaching.  Due to this I was very stuck in my ways of learning and sometimes regress back to it.  From the beginning of this year until now I have “risked” change to learn new ways to learn.  For example, I had never heard of annotation until this year.  Now, I know what it is and try to annotate papers to better grasp the concept.  Going to English class twice a week and then meeting with Amy every Friday definitely helps me practice my skills.  Although sometimes this class requires a lot of work from previous standards of mine, I try to complete it all to the best of my ability.  For example, writing the literary narrative was time consuming but I consistently didn’t fall in love with my drafts and was open to comments and critiques.  Which sometimes was a struggle because I always thought my writing was the best after one draft.  Making comments on Google Docs makes the critiques less in your face and easier to take especially when you think your writing is amazing and nothing can be done.  Instead of ignoring the feedback made by my peers and Amy, I tried to use the more constructive comments and adjust my writing to make it better.  For English I am always on time/early and wait to learn something that I have never learned before.


  1. Demonstrates a multi-stage recursive writing process:

When it was told to us that we had to prewrite, I didn’t know what to think.  First, I had never written a literacy narrative and now we had to prewrite!  I tried my best with the prewriting which actually didn’t turn out to be too bad.  Doing the prewriting for the literacy narrative actually helped me develop ideas for my first draft.  When I wrote my first draft I was just proud that I actually had a base for my narrative.  When I shared my draft with Amy and my classmates they all brought some good points to my attention, which helped me develop my next draft.  I also commented on my peer’s drafts and tried to comment more constructively than just surface errors.  During all of this time writing and revising I actually started to see why my first draft wasn’t as good as I thought it was.  It had a lot of room to work with it and all of the comments and feedback helped me transform my narrative.  It helped transform it by consistently helping me edit it and reading over the paragraphs and noticing that my sentence structure was off etc.


  1. Demonstrates a reliable reading process:

When reading a piece, I always try to analyze the point that the person is trying to relay.  Although sometimes I don’t always get the point that the person is trying to get across, I do attempt.  I don’t mark up my text because I am not comfortable with that and may never be but, I do try to put post its next to the passage that would be marked and write a response.  Not all of my responses are “chunky” but, I do try to relate to the work and draw comparisons and find the main idea of the piece.  It is difficult to annotate a piece that is easily understood for me.  In order for me to annotate I have to have a semi-difficult piece so I have to work to understand what it is trying to say, not just knowing from the first word.  When reading Alexie, Welty and King after listening to Dweck’s speech on growth mindset I tried to find a part in each of the pieces that had to do with growth mindset.  By doing this I could now compare the pieces on a different level and compare how they all came to be where they are now.  I could also easily relate myself to each of them as individuals.