What do you care about?

In class we talked about poverty, war, racism, climate change, PTSD, etc.  While looking at these concepts written up on the board I realized that they all had one thing in common that could cure them or solve the disagreements that cause them… that thing is unity.  If people no matter who they are can come together as a whole, then the amount of problems in the world would significantly decrease.  Not saying that you have to agree completely with each other because sometime disagreement can be good, it can help you see the situation from another perspective, but in the global scale situations like climate change, war, poverty unity can rid the world of these situations.  Most of the time in the United States I feel that most of the problems come down to which political side you are on, which is fine because that is part of democracy.  But, sometimes the two sides of the political spectrum are just too stubborn to compromise even an inch, which can cause deeper problems.  As a world we just need to unify on issues and we could change the world.

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