Research on Unity

In today’s society global sized/located problems can be solved using unity.  Disagreement from all over the world are causing problems to arise that soon we as a planet won’t be able to fix.  If everyone compromised on issues that can threaten all species of life than the world can be rid of those problems.  Through research many people think in the same wavelength as I do.  For example, at this point in the worlds situation of economic crisis, war, etc. “The one solution that remains is to unite the people of goodwill throughout the world, which is our last hope for social transformation on a planetary scale.”  In today’s society we should all realize that we need to come together and nothing is going to get completed if we keep implanting and conditioning the next generations with the thoughts of negativity.  Everyone around the community, state, country, continent needs to realize this and we can be the generation of change.




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