Naysayer + Barclay’s

The people of the world need to unify to solve the global crisis that threaten life as we know it.  Mohammed Mesbahi says in his article “Uniting the people of the world”, “No other solution will work until the people of goodwill throughout the world rise up in unison together. When millions upon millions of people gather in protest from nation to nation, there is an unconscious to conscious realisation that we are one humanity. ” Mesbahi is saying that when people gather together to rise up against a cause that that feel should be fought for, they realize that there are all walks of life that are gathering not just one race, gender, sexual orientation, etc.  Everyone is just gather as a whole, as a human race.  Which brings me to what Daniel Collins posted on, “The message I would like to convey is really quite simple, we can do more together then we can individually. If we work together we can combat world hunger and poverty, we can tackle inequality and replace it with acceptance of individuality and freedom of choice. We can advance the human species as a whole, develop technologies to make the planet a greener and a safer place for us to live. We cannot do this while fighting each other over little nothings. No matter your race, gender, age, religion, we all have something in common, we are all humans and we should treat each other as such. until we realise that, we shall remain in this dark age.”  Finding this post from Daniel Collins sums up exactly what I have been trying to get across.  He says that being just one person you can not make a large change, you need a group to make a huge change.  No matter who you are black, white, woman, man, muslim, christian etc. we are all humans and need to realize this.  When everyone realizes this and treats everyone like what they are, humans, then we can solve so many problems together.


A naysayer of unity might say, that is a lot harder than you make it seem.  I understand that but everything takes time and if everyone puts a little portion of their time to a cause then the quote, “time can heal all wounds” is true.  I am republican and he/she is a democrat, could be stated by anyone involved within the political movements of the United States.  I am not trying to say that you need to abandon your belief system but, you do need to compromise sometimes.  In order to make change small scale or large scale there needs to be some level of give and take in society.  What does global warming have to do with race, religion, gender?  Global warming has nothing to do with it!  That is why the world should have come up with a solution for this HUGE problem a decade ago.  I was taught by my parents that I was superior to everyone else.  Well, your parents are wrong to me… in my mind everyone should be considered equal due to the fact that we are all part of one race, the human race.



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