7 Billion Others

Sarah from Ireland: went through a lot of loss within one year best friend and boyfriends best friend had to choose which funeral to go to.  Wanted to be a nun when she was younger because she thought the blue habit would frame her face nicely

Leni from the US: is going to school to be a librarian but is an artist.  kept the family legacy of serving the country even though his family has been through slavery, jim crow laws, etc.

Deridre from Ireland: deeply cares about her family, lost a daughter when she was 6 to an illness.  her other daughter is 9 and has the same illness but, the doctors say that they could still have her until she is 20 but no one really knows.

Agnès from the Netherlands:  she is still studying cultural anthropology at 30 years old and prefers to call her self medusa.  Loves family. She is in a couple of bands and throws parties a lot.  Does not enjoy work but chose small, honest jobs after a while, does not enjoy corporate jobs where you have to sit behind a computer and type data for a boss you do not know…work should not be work.  She says in school she learned not to rely on people because you are on your own in the world.  

I felt the most affinity when it came to Deridre and Sarah.  They both have gone through loss with people who were so close to them they either were or could have been considered family.  The biggest testimonial that shocked me was Agnès.  She just had a personality where you could see how she came to all these conclusions about the world.  When she said that everyone was on their own in the world I was surprised, because she just got done talking about her parents in the part before.  I believe that the 7 billion others project does show that their are 7 billion perspectives because just from the four I have viewed they all had different stories to tell, and different perspectives on life.


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