
Hallward shows how normal/average people can connect on a deeper level through sharing narratives with each other.  She shows this in her Ted Talk with the example of when she shared with her sister that she had been jealous.  Through this experience she told how herself and her sister now became closer because she did not have this underlying reason not to become close.  Charon shows us how in the medical field applying narratives can give the doctor a better understanding of the patient’s problem.  It can show them any underlying problems that could be arising.  It also allows the doctor to connect to the patient through their own personal experiences.  Narratives combined with the medical knowledge of doctors, allows them to better lead the patient to the cause of their problem and a solution.  Krulwich shows us how powerful narratives can be in history and now.  He gives an example of how Galileo was put under house arrest because he wrote a novel about science in language that everyone, not just scientists, could understand.  Hallward and Charon both show how people can connect through narratives and how narratives can heal people in a more effective way. But, Krulwich shows the power of narratives.  He shows how narratives can transform complicated subjects and writings into language that even the people that are uneducated in that subject can understand.

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