
Listening to this radio show about words, I did not know what to expect.  The hosts of the show wanted to discover what words have a bigger meaning.  To discover this they had multiple guests but, there was one that stuck out to me, that was the story of Susan Schaller.  She had stumbled upon a classroom that taught in sign language at a hearing university (which is rare).  Flash forward  five years and she finds herself in another college classroom and finds a 27 year old man who was born deaf.  To realize that he did not realize that there was a word for everything, or realize that sound existed.  To make him have an epiphany like this Susan came up with a plan that she would have conversations with a empty chair to simulate conversation, until he finally realized that there was language, sound, and words.  The hosts of the radio show realized that words mean so much more to the world than is realized.  They are not just words but they create language.  Which is part of what builds a culture and builds conversations that people will have within that culture.  Words build language, which builds communication, which intertwine us all.

One thought on “Words

  1. Erica,
    I agree that Susan Schaller’s and Ildefonso’s stories are quite compelling. Can you imagine a world without words? As you mention, words create language and culture and “intertwine us all.” But I think what is also fascinating is that words allow us to make connections within our own minds. They directly shape how we think.

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