English 123 Goals

I have room to grow by applying the formulas of Barclay’s and TRIAC to other types of essays that arise in the future, that I need to connect two experts and/or connect to a main argument.  I can still work on this by looking to apply this to other papers that involve research.

Pre writing was a new technique for me.  I found it very tedious and sometimes challenging but, in the long run it is useful when trying to start a paper.  I have room to grow in draft making (compose more drafts + use the funnel technique).  The funnel technique is starting out broad and getting more specific with my writing and then going back to broad statements by summing it up.  I also have room to grow in global revision after my first draft and to focus more on the local revisions in my final draft.

I still have room to grow in both my critiquing my own work and critiquing other’s work. For example completing drafts so when people critique my work they get one cohesive thought to work with instead of many.  Not falling in love with my first draft will still remain a challenge especially when looking for global revision in my first draft.

I need to work on controlling my fragments when writing a passage.  For example the last paragraph of my Literary Narrative. I also need to work on making compound sentences, which could also help my fragment problems.

When I comment on someone else’s work I try to go beyond the surface level edits.  I could offer specific suggestions and comments that could help them better their work.  I need to stop being somewhat nervous that they are not going to take the helpful criticism the right way.  Once I get passed that it will be easier for me to offer more global revisions as well as criticism.

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