Cuddy Ted Talk

In the Ted Talk Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are, Amy Cuddy talks about how your body language changes the way people perceive you.  Cuddy also discusses how being mindful of our own body language can change our mindset, attitude, and impact our success.  Cuddy states that in the animal kingdom the more one spreads out and the more space on takes up are perceived as powerful; the more closed up someone is the less powerful they feel.  She backed up this theory by talking about experiments that she and colleagues had performed.  She wanted all of the male and female subjects of her experiment to hold a high power and low power pose for a couple of minutes and then tell how powerful they felt.  The subjects who held the high power stance felt more powerful and felt that they could win a gamble.  As for the low power poses the people weren’t willing to gamble.

In this Ted Talk I agreed and disagreed with the information brought about.  I agree that body language does affect the way people perceive you.  Someone’s body language is the first thing you see while approaching a person.  I don’t believe that a stance can affect your success because it all has to do with the perception of yourself in your mind.  The less self esteem you have the less you feel you are going to succeed and vice versa.  Her experiment on the other hand I could have guessed the results to and I don’t feel like it backs up her point.  The more powerful people are/feel they feel like they have more to gamble, as where people who don’t feel/are powerful don’t have anything to gamble in their mind, they have more to lose.

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