Eudora Welty and Me

Out of all the literary narratives that we have read, I connected most with Eudora Welty’s.  There were some parts that I could not relate to but others I could.  The part that stood out most to me is when Eudora was talking about her father and her teacher Miss Duling.

“My father was much more tolerant of possible error.” – this relates to my experience because my dad was always the one to stay in the background because he knew I was going to learn from my mistakes.  He knew I wasn’t the brightest bulb in the pack but the I certainly wasn’t the dullest.  He is the man that always flies under the radar.

“Miss Duling once called the governor to the telephone and told him, ‘She’ll be plain Rachel here.'” -this relates to many of my teachers because no matter what background you came from everyone was on an equal playing field.  There were never any favorites or teacher’s pets just your standard classroom where everybody earned the grade that they deserved.

After reading these literary narratives and moving forward with writing/revising mine there have been some changes.  I have tried to use more of a growth mindset with revision and peer comments; take all comments into consideration.

Writing about my literary sponsor emphasized how important he really was to the learning process of reading and writing for me.  Viewing the way he operated from day to day making sure that my whole class and I had an enjoyable experience with not the most enjoyable subject, helped me view reading and writing from a whole different angle.

I wonder what it would be like now if I ended up with a different teacher.  A teacher that did not bring any opportunities like these into my world.  A teacher that just taught out of a generic textbook with black and white words and a picture every 15 pages.  A teacher that did not open my eyes to a different perspective of reading and writing; that brought reading and writing alive.”

One thought on “Eudora Welty and Me

  1. Hi, Erica,

    I really enjoyed reading this post. I appreciate your willingness to approach your revision process with an open mind. I know that this process is different from the past for you and most of your classmates.

    Your reflection of the way in which your teacher structured your learning experience really shows you are rethinking and analyzing your literacy experiences. Do you ever see this teacher around? I wonder if he knows that he had this impact on you.

    Thanks for writing such a thoughtful response!

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